3D Printer Technologies Showcase

Project Goals

What would you do if you developed an entirely new approach to metal 3D printing? What if you billed it as more than additive manufacturing, but as additive innovation.

What if you wanted to share it with the world but it was too early to reveal the entire technology for fear of copycats and reverse engineering, especially from bad actors overseas, not beholden to U.S. laws and business practices?

That was the challenge our studio faced in helping our client to achieve the goal: of telling the world without telling too much, yet telling enough to draw interest, investment and purchase orders. Learn how we succeeded.


We studied the technology with our client. We broke it down into elements: how informative and how revealing was each element of the technology?

Informative was good: we need multiple kinds of potential stakeholders understand enough to be interested to learn more – in good faith.

Revealing was bad: it enabled reverse engineers and other bad actors to understand enough of the technology to copy it, throw a patched-together version out to the market, dilute intellectual property rights and public confidence in the innovation by the bad actors’ poor execution.

Having built the Informative-Revealing matrix, we focused on showing the former, but in as conceptual of a way as we could, without distorting or excessively concealing the meaning.

The result: an informative, easy to understand presentation that conceals important intellectual property yet shows enough to be understood in good faith.