Electric Vehicle Ownership On The Rise — And That’s Great News For Residential Solar Installers

Great News For Residential Solar Installers: Electric Vehicle Ownership On The Rise

Electric cars are becoming more popular, and that's good news for residential solar installers.

The increasing number of electric vehicles in the United States, together with the infrastructure to support them, offers a great opportunity for residential installers to find new sales opportunities. However, in order to take advantage of this potential, residential solar modules need to be durable and reliable so that homeowners get maximum value.

Let's look more closely at the state of electric vehicle growth in the U.S. and what this means for residential solar installers.

The State of EV Growth in the U.S

In 2011, Americans bought around 16,000 electric vehicles (EVs). By mid-2021, this number had increased to more than 2 million—a one-hundred-fold increase. This trend is likely to continue because of government mandates, the increasing availability of different EV models, and always-volatile gas prices.

If the U.S. Congress passes the Build Back Better Act, it will contain tax incentives for people to buy electric cars. Even though this bill is stalled in negotiations, some states are moving forward with orders and regulations to increase the number of electric cars that are bought. Fourteen states have adopted California’s low-emission vehicle (LEV) or ZEV standards, referred to as the “177 States,” because Section 177 of the Clean Air Act allows them to adopt stricter emissions standards without seeking EPA approval. Additional states are in the process of updating their tailpipe emissions standards to align with the 177 States.

Meanwhile, some states are taking their own initiatives. For example, in North Carolina – which has a large solar market – Governor Roy Cooper recently announced a new mandate to get 1.25 million plug-in electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Automobile manufacturers are expanding their model lines every year to keep up with mounting demand and more stringent emissions standards. Currently, there are 55 models of EVs available, but this number will swell to 100 different models by the end of 2024.

What More EV Adoption Means for Residential Solar Installers

As electric vehicles become more common, people who are interested in buying solar panels for their home have a lot in common with those who want to buy electric cars. People who buy solar panels and electric cars usually want to reduce their carbon footprints, lower their energy bills, or become more independent from the grid. In most cases, buying solar panels and electric cars go hand in hand in helping homeowners achieve these goals.

Residential solar installers should focus on emphasizing the positive relationship between electric vehicles and rooftop solar panels when speaking with potential customers. This will help highlight the many benefits of installing a solar panel system.

One significant benefit of having a rooftop PV system is that it can help you save money. According to a recent study by SolarReviews, charging an electric car in the U.S. using home rooftop solar costs $415 a year on average. Compare this to charging an EV with traditional grid power, which costs $662/year on average, or filling up at a public EV charger, which runs $1,058/year on average. Meanwhile, topping off the gas tank on a regular combustion engine vehicle costs around $1,260/year on average.

Another benefit EVs offer homeowners is that they can also work as batteries. When PV panels generate excess power, homeowners can store the extra energy in their EVs for later use. This becomes especially advantageous as more extreme weather events ravage utility grids and create growing power outages across the country.

Solar panels have a long lifespan and can still be a selling point for homeowners. Even if someone doesn't have an EV now, they might buy one in the future. When that happens, the solar panel system will still be generating power.

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